Happy Birthday my Angel

ZEN is: JOYFULLY walking on a never-ending path that doesn't exist.
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Happy Birthday my Angel

Post by brahbata » Mon Jul 27, 2020 10:00 pm


My eternal love,
Angela, my beloved wife

it was winter in 2007. My beloved dog Katu, the third, wasn't born yet. He arrived into this world on May 23rd. Katu, the second, had just passed away in January. He was my truthful comrade throughout eleven years until it was time for him, that Spirit called him back home.

I was walking down the ancient neighbor university city roads of Marburg. I felt alone, lonesome, but full of belief and trust into the Holy Spirit. Dogs accompanied me my whole life through. They became the closest friends I had, besides the energetic beings I always used to talk to since my life had begun.

My family was doing well. They all did their doings, as it is rite. Life could have developed just perfect, if there wasn't one important thing missing.

I was so deeply in need for an entity I could share my love with. I felt, I had so much to give, for my heart always ruled over my mind and wintertime always embraced me with a certain kind of melancholy. I loved the winters, because they clearly showed me, that spring was born out of rest.

„Father“, I prayed and asked, „is there a solution? I mean, is there a solution
for all?“

The answer came clearly and raised up additional questions.

„What are you looking for? Relief of your own soul?“

I didn't know. I really didn't know. All I knew was, I was in need of an entity I could adore and share my love with. For it is the highest task of a native warrior to adore, love and share.

I counted my money while walking these ancient, cloistered courtyard paths of the city of Marburg. I was 40 years old, unmarried, without a dog, full of plans for the future and just so deeply trustful into the Divine spirit as no one on the whole, entire Earth was.

My pocket carried 20 Euros. This was the only money I had left for the whole month. It was the twelfth.

I entered a small antique store. The lady behind the counter seemed to be one of these wise, old women, you sometimes meet in life.

I frankly said to her:

„Milady. I am a man full of belief, trust and faith. I do not have found her, already, but I so deeply ask you to find and get me an engagement ring for that ONE special person, ruling and enchanting my Heart.“

The wise old madam didn't search for long. She deeply looked me into my eyes and clearly saw a man, a lonesome but full-of-love man, waiting for his fiancée to come into his life.

I have never given this ring to any woman before.

Angela, my love, my darling. My eternal star coming and shining directly from the Heavens above. I will grant you all jewels of this world in future. But please, my Angel, carry this ring I give to you being born out of poorness but full of belief in the ONE you are in my life. The ONE soul that fully is not only my spouse, but the fulfillment of all dreams I ever had and will have.

Every new born spring is an inheritage of the past, the gone. The circle of life.

I LOVE YOU, Angela, my Angel.

Happy Birthday, my darling.



We are not human beings having a spiritual experience - we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
So, I've decided to take my work back on the ground, to stop you falling into the wrong hands.
Life is a videogame. Reality is a playground. It's all about experience and self-expression.
ZEN is: JOYFULLY walking on a never-ending path that doesn't exist.
They tried to bury us. What they didn't know - we were seeds.
In the descent from Heaven, the feather learns to fly.
Ideally, we get humble when we travel the Cosmos.
After school is over, you are playing in the park.
Although, life is limited - Creation is limitless.
Fuck you Orion, Zetas and your evil allies.
Seeing is believing. I do. *I shape*.
'EARTH' without 'ART' is just 'EH'.
Best viewed with *eyes closed*.
Space. It's The final Frontier.
Real eyes realize real lies.
Creator and Creation.
We are ONE.




