Enforce the Force.

ZEN is: JOYFULLY walking on a never-ending path that doesn't exist.
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Enforce the Force.

Post by brahbata » Sun Sep 27, 2020 8:50 pm


Enforce the Force.

Hi @ll,

we cannot enforce what needs time to develop and unfold. Not in Heaven and not on Earth.
While there is Creation, evolution is the other side of the medal. Both approaches vary in their choice of understanding but reflect the same principle. There is a
higher Source of Life which happens to have created all existence.

Name it by religion or name it by science:
All Creation must have had a point of beginning and must come to an end in life. Eternity is a principle of the Heavens and cannot be measured in time, motion or space, which are properties of the material Cosmos. Our experience of evolution or creation depends on physical laws given to our plane, the material world. These laws can be broken – nothing in life is eternal or on solid ground.


Different quantum realities are realities which reflect the
ONE TRUTH in their own specific ways while never reaching or even touching this truth. Therefore, we don't need to look for immortality in life – we indeed already are immortal souls, embedded into a vessel, the body, in order to fulfill our tasks in the heavy density of 3d/4d-reality.

All of us have supernatural powers. In fact, they are just so normal in our lives that we hardly consider them to be outstanding. Just think of the different and various kinds of dreams one can get during sleep. There a nightmares, there are wet dreams, there are lucid dreams and there are dreams which rather reflect our subconscious. All this dreaming takes us to places of our inner truth, the soul carries with it when it's incarnated into this reality – while this reality is a dream itself.

What can be dreamt, can become reality. Fact follows fiction – does fiction follow fact? I suppose, yes.

All life, all existence is determined. That's the reason why magicians, occultists and other cryptic people say, „life is written in the stars“. Just because you do not see it, it doesn't mean it's not real or not there. The x-rays have been vivid ever since, regardless of a valid detector scanning them.

The Cosmos as being the ground life takes place cannot only be reduced onto 3d/4d-reality. There are energetic realms outside the material world which also belong to this place we're living in as our hands, feet, arms and legs do the same.
All life has an energetic Aura, which in physical entities is placed within the mitochondria in every somatic cell. Mitochondria live from photons and these photons can be activated through focussing on it in meditation. This explains the Halo, some can see.
When a person is fully awakened, this Halo begins to shine.


Minds are like parachutes. They only work, when they are open.

We call a person open-minded when she or he is able to communicate on a soul level with us. This interaction can be felt with the Heart – the always self-reflecting mind dazzles us in our ways to reflect and understand the higher meaning of our existence. Therefore, you don't need to be a college student or a professor in order to know, what LOVE is and what it's all about. Simply feel it. Our Hearts will always guide and protect us in our ways to the souls we truthfully are.


I invite you to start your own journey to self-recognition today. My personal experience tells me clearly, that meditation is one key to a satisfied life, while honesty is the clue. You don't need to follow a specific or special way doing your meditations – just make yourself comfortable and watch your own thoughts while thinking them self-creating and being received in a morphogenetic way. I recommend a rather relaxed position due to letting the brainwaves come to a theta frequency. And if you doze while doing so laying on a bed or on a couch, simply enjoy it.
Never force yourself to Enlightenment. Although it is work, it's an easy task and should ideally bring you joy and happiness. Simply do what suits you best. And not your teacher, not your mother and even not your guru.

Heaven is just a state of mind.

Kind Regards,



We are not human beings having a spiritual experience - we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
So, I've decided to take my work back on the ground, to stop you falling into the wrong hands.
Life is a videogame. Reality is a playground. It's all about experience and self-expression.
ZEN is: JOYFULLY walking on a never-ending path that doesn't exist.
They tried to bury us. What they didn't know - we were seeds.
In the descent from Heaven, the feather learns to fly.
Ideally, we get humble when we travel the Cosmos.
After school is over, you are playing in the park.
Although, life is limited - Creation is limitless.
Fuck you Orion, Zetas and your evil allies.
Seeing is believing. I do. *I shape*.
'EARTH' without 'ART' is just 'EH'.
Best viewed with *eyes closed*.
Space. It's The final Frontier.
Real eyes realize real lies.
Creator and Creation.
We are ONE.




