Peoples to the sun, to freedom!

ZEN is: JOYFULLY walking on a never-ending path that doesn't exist.
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Peoples to the sun, to freedom!

Post by brahbata » Sun Aug 01, 2021 11:40 am


I weep for the world community.

In the forefront of all our minds has been Corona for quite some time. Citizens especially of the western nations complain about the restriction of their basic rights, which are democratically legitimized to them. Greek: "demos" means "the people" and when we look at the rise and fall of ancient empires such as the Roman Empire and the leading philosopher of the ancient West, precisely Greece, a tear remains in the buttonhole in the face of declining ethics.

Politicians and leading economic leaders line their pockets and are intent on their own advantage. Whether it is a Brazilian president gone wild, the dictator of a former Soviet republic or Chinese business leaders - all are playing along in the game of power and imperiousness.

One is cutting down the rainforest, the lungs of planet Earth, the other is bullying his people with secret police, the third is pushing billions around the world to profit from currency fluctuations.

Why are we so indifferent and helpless in the face of these circumstances?

Because we have lost courage and trust in heaven and ourselves.
We look to others to explain the world to us instead of simply using our own heads for once. "Those who think more for themselves need to read less" should be written in the class book of many scholars.

We are not alone. Never.

Europe is deporting Afghan refugees to their homeland, regardless of the fact that the Taliban is on the march there on a large scale. Many thousands die on the dangerous crossing of the Mediterranean in their doomed inflatable boats, the World Climate Conference fails to agree on an URGENT coal phase-out - the planet is burning on all fronts.

And we're wondering when we'll be allowed back into restaurants.

We take care of problems in everyday life that are "first world problems"; the new clothes dryer is already broken, do we buy the new car in yellow or in red, tomatoes or celery as a side dish.

Corona is shaking people up. Just as nature is doing at the moment. Temperatures around 50° C in Greece, forest fires globally, polar and glacier melt, raging floods in Germany.

How much more madness do we need before we act?

I applaud people who separate trash and reduce plastic packaging. I'm happy for every cloth bag when shopping and walking to the bakery next door. But that doesn't fundamentally help us.

Our constant reversion to traditional values, our mutual assurance that the young learn from the old, hardly offers the youth,
the generation of all our futures, enough space to shape their world in which THEY want to live.

Chancellery ministers, Bundestag presidents of all countries get excited in guidelines for the "common people", which they believe to have to steer. And the media play in this game as "fourth power" eagerly.

From TV and radio love songs are droning, little Ken and little Barbie are supposed to look for their happiness in private and not to think and
become active. The mature, the thinking citizen is not wanted by the authorities. Steered sheep he is to be.

The former German chancellor Helmut Kohl was a convinced European and world politician. Likewise he was a master in "sitting out" affairs, the people forget fast. Together with the leader of the Grande Nation, Francois Mitterand, he promoted the unification of the European Union as a global player. This desire is quite legitimate - but it lacks one
essential and important foundation - the overcoming of the will to rule over others.

The emperor should be the first
SERVANT of the people, knew the ancient Chinese around Lao-Tse - and the PEOPLE is the STATE.

I call upon all of us:

Peoples to the sun, to freedom!

Let us become active and oppose with resistance all those who seek to dominate us. This without violence and without revenge - COMPASSION should be the creed of all of us on our way to freedom. Let us be the change we want to see in the world.

Wise action requires reflection and time. For this, meditation is a reliable partner. If we reflect on our ethical principles, many will be helped - first and foremost ourselves.

Let's stand up and act! But please do it with compassion.

Kind regards,



We are not human beings having a spiritual experience - we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
So, I've decided to take my work back on the ground, to stop you falling into the wrong hands.
Life is a videogame. Reality is a playground. It's all about experience and self-expression.
ZEN is: JOYFULLY walking on a never-ending path that doesn't exist.
They tried to bury us. What they didn't know - we were seeds.
In the descent from Heaven, the feather learns to fly.
Ideally, we get humble when we travel the Cosmos.
After school is over, you are playing in the park.
Although, life is limited - Creation is limitless.
Fuck you Orion, Zetas and your evil allies.
Seeing is believing. I do. *I shape*.
'EARTH' without 'ART' is just 'EH'.
Best viewed with *eyes closed*.
Space. It's The final Frontier.
Real eyes realize real lies.
Creator and Creation.
We are ONE.



